Who are we?
Established in 2022, Expert Intelligence was founded to make European geographical datasets accessible for broadband providers, content providers, governmental institutions, telecom vendors and financial services. The objective was to bring the quality services of Point Topic, the UK-based parent company of Expert Intelligence, to the European market. Expert Intelligence is going to keep providing the high standard services known from Point Topic.

Oliver Johnson
Oliver has been involved in online environments and development since the late 1980’s and has been involved in broadbasting, website management and marketing for a long time. He also leads our UK parent company, Point Topic.
More recently, he is thinking about AI and its impact on our work.

Arnold Kürsteiner
Arnold has joined the parent company Point Topic in early 2022, working as an analyst and data engineer. He has been involved in Expert Intelligence since the beginning, and is core to developing many of our models and outputs.
Before joining, Arnold worked as a licensing specialist at Bloomberg and studied Earth Sciences at UCL.

Peter Donaghey
Production Director
Peter has a breadth of experience with modern data cloud warehouse infrastructure and a strong passion for continuous learning - providing Expert Intelligence with an important edge.
He has previously been a key member of several sustainability initiatives across Europe, working as a key member on several projects in the Netherlands and Italy.
What we believe in
We are, collectively, drowning in data. More and more appears every day, but only some of it is useful, with few people managing to make sense of the vast amounts of information we are inundated with.
At Expert Intelligence, we want to provide a clear window and offer a foundation of inputs, already cleaned and made ready for use that allows you to interrogate, extract and apply the insights and integrate them directly and easily with your own data.
A Human World
People are at the heart of our analysis. From the most basic information. Where are they? How many are there? What are the defining characteristics of where they live? You can build a simple but effective model to base your analysis on.
Humans are also at the heart of Expert Intelligence. We believe in the power of data tools, machine learning and models that help us all understand the world around us. From climate, to economies to commercial markets we depend on analysis and insight derived from data. Without a human layer however it is impossible to provide a clear path through the tangle of relationships and sources (and their limitations) represented by varying inputs and datasets.
Ontologies, Classes and Semantic Data
With more data, from more sources and with a bewildering array of characteristics it has become a full time job (or several jobs) to maintain a stable basis and known data stack that underpins analysis.
The semantic web (the real web3) is our preferred and perhaps only solution. The classification of inputs, the relationships between datapoints and implications and outcomes
There’s plenty more to be said on this topic and we will be displaying some of the practical implications and applications in our Free Analysis section with regular updates.
For more information on what we do and how we do it, just ask us for a meeting.

Chris Turnbull
Chris has a wealth of experience as a data scientist and data engineer, which he has employed as part of multiple fast-growing tech companies in the past. No ETL pipeline has ever gotten the better of him. He is also a DJ in his spare time.
Chris studied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

Ky Pham Minh
Data Engineer
Ky is the newest addition to our team, but it sure doesn't feel like it. With his sharpness and ability to learn, he grasps complex problems involving many constraints in a short time, and solves them efficiently.
Ky studied Aerospace Engineering and is based in Vietnam.

Eevi Kettunen
Front End Developer
Eevi is currently studying Hospitality & Tourism at the University of Helsinki. She is also an experienced and self-taught front-end developer and artist in her free time.
Yes, she has designed this website.