European Broadband Data for the Experts
Bespoke and integrated broadband datasets, modelling and analysis for Europe.

Accurate Footprints
Reliable and up-to-date outputs for all your information needs.

High Granularity
Datapoints exclusively at square-kilometre granularity and above.

Metrics That Matter
Track all metrics relevant to the broadband industry, with a focus on FTTx.

Europe-Wide Coverage
Cleaned, standardised and normalised data in one uniform format across the continent.
What our Data Delivers
Availability data for different broadband technologies including FTTx and DOCSIS across Europe allow you to track coverage and fibre roll-out across your market.
Operator footprints for ISPs and infrastructure operators for competitor and market analysis.
Detailed information on pricing, bundles, hardware and advertised bandwidth allow you to stay on top of the latest consumer tariff data.
Custom modelling, forecasting, overbuild analysis, take-up and ARPU estimations and analysis from the team behind the UK leader in broadband data.
Expert Intelligence data is powered by our in-house data platform. Click below to find out more.
Click the button below to visit the ISPs and Footprints product page:
Expore our Full Range of Services
European geographical datasets made accessible by AI and individual expertise. Find out more about our other products below:


We have several unique datasets, source libraries and related real world datapoints available to us, from our own research and licensed from our parent company Point Topic.
We will develop and train AI models to extract data from our own large and unique database of sources. The AI models in the first instance will be trained on this baseline correlated with real world reporting from Point Topic.
This provides a unique range of datasets as well as a uniquely trained AI that can better understand and model the relationship between source data, real world market data and other datasets that intersect​
Point Topic in Europe
Expert Intelligence's parent company Point Topic has provided high quality broadband datasets in the UK from the 1980s. Their research has contributed a great amount to the European Demographic and Geographic platform that Expert Intelligence is building. Expert Intelligence will continue providing the previously established quality datasets in the European markets. Learn more about Point Topic and UK datasets here.

Expert Intelligence by numbers